Eliminate Cigar Smoke & Odors

Smoking cigars in enclosed or confined indoor spaces exposes patrons, staff, and other building occupants to tobacco by-products and other harmful airborne contaminants. It is essential for cigar bars and other establishments where smoking is permitted - such as lounges, VFW posts and halls, American Legions and casinos, to ensure that smoke, haze, and odors do not disturb the comfort of patrons, staff, and building occupants.

Cigars contain the same addictive, toxic and carcinogenic compounds found in cigarettes and are not a safe alternative to them, but because cigar smoke is heavier than cigarette and hookah smoke, it requires the proper filter media and use of carbon to effectively control the smoke, haze, and odors it generates.

Because a cigar contains more tobacco than a cigarette, it leads to longer smoking sessions and releases higher emission volumes. When smoked in confined indoor spaces at typical smoking and ventilation rates, cigars may produce concentrations of certain regulated ambient air pollutants, including CO and RSP, which can violate federal air quality standards and add to the level of these compounds already in the ambient air from other combustion sources.

Business owners implement ventilation and commercial smoke eaters, also known as air filtration systems, to create comfortable atmospheres, establish health and safety protocols, and meet air quality regulations. Air filtration systems must be sized and strategically placed to create air patterns that maximize efficiency and performance.

Cigar smoke eater placement and configuration recommendations are based on factors including: equipment capacity, room size, and load factors — working with a Blue Ox specialist will ensure that efficiency, air exchanges, capacity, and air pattern application requirements are met to achieve overall effectiveness.

Effectively removing cigar smoke and odors does more than improve air quality – it also helps lower energy and maintenance costs, and minimizes pollution build-up on walls, furnishings, and windows. By implementing smoke eater systems, you can develop circular airflow patterns or air exchanges, that clean the same air multiple times resulting in a consistently fresh, odorless environment.

Cigar Smoke & Odor Removal Case Study

Upon purchasing The Tinder Box in Rapid City, SD., the new owners knew they had to find a solution for the cigar smoke and haze.

They reached out to our team and we developed an air pattern based on the floorplan of The Tinder Box and installed 4 Blue Ox smoke eaters.

The Blue Ox air filtration systems have been an excellent solution for the cigar smoke and have made a huge difference at The Tinder Box. The regulars were amazed to see that the blue haze was no longer a bother and new guests come in and stay due to the comfort of clean air!

See the full installation here!

Blue Ox air filtration systems are designed to pull cigar smoke from within homes, bars, and lounges through micro-glass filters that separate submicron particles to release clean air throughout your space. To learn more about what Blue Ox Air Cleaners can make a difference for your business, get in touch with us today!

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Blue Ox commercial smoke eaters installed at The Tinder Box for cigar smoke and odor removal.
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