1. Space Type
Commercial: for a commercial application, we will offer a smaller, more attractive unit. This unit comes standard in brown, but is also available in blue or black. It has a small footprint, is easy to install and blends in nicely with commercial surroundings. In addition, this unit is quiet and low maintenance.
Industrial: for industrial applications, we offer a slightly larger to much larger unit. These units include more filter media surface area so that the filters last longer. In addition, their size allows them to cover more space and reduce the overall required number of units.
2. Room Size
The size of the room helps to determine how many units will be required and how many CFM we should offer per unit. For a detailed epxlanation, click here.
3. Odor Concern
The best way to fight odors is with carbon. For more information on whether or not your odor can be handled with carbon, please view our Carbon Abosorption Rate Chart.
No Odor: If there are no odors present, a standard two-step filter configuration will be used. Consisting of either a foam or pleated pre-filter and a 65% or 95% bag filter.
Lite Odor: If odors are bothersome, but not the primary concern, we will suggest a filter configuration which sacrifices some of the filter media for 6-9lb. carbon after filter (depending on the unit).
Odor is a Main Concern: If odors are the primary concern, we will suggest replacing more filter media with a 18-36lb. carbon cannister (depending upon the unit). These include some of the largest carbon densities in the industry.
4. Power Requirements
Single Phase: This is the most common power situation for most locations. When selected, the unit will come with a standard wall outlet. If you selected "I don't know", we have chosed this option for you automatically.
Three Phase: Most commonly in industrial applications, the standard single phase motors have been replaced with 3-phase motors to accomodate the electrical needs. Typically, this will result in more CFM generated.